Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Story Line (Will be editing as I figure it out)

The game is going to be a horror game called Viral. It takes place in the future (Year 2020) and what happens is there is an old video that had never been seen. One day a man (still not named or placed) finds the video and uploads it but since it was in his family he was immune to its effects. When he uploads it he gets tons of comments about people dieing and then be res erected into undead lifeforms. So people go crazy trying to survive but by the time all this happens so many people had watched the video (hence the name Viral) that the undead army is unstoppable. leaving you and a mass army of the living to fight off undead ad survive till the end.

Please help me rite this story-line. I have tons of ideas that I have not added yet but they will be coming soon. 
